Aeth Cymric i mewn i gêm gyntaf y tymor newydd gyda 10 chwaraewr ddim ar gael oherwydd anafiadau neu ymrwymiadau eraill. Fodd bynnag, cafwyd dechrau da gyda thri chyfle da i sgorio o fewn y chwarter awr gyntaf.
Yn gyntaf cafodd Steve Cope ergyd a gafodd ei gwyro tuag at Ryan David ond aeth ei beniad heibio i’r marc.
Yna cafodd Caio Iwan ei roi mewn ar gôl ond cafodd ei ergyd ei harbed yn wych gan y golwr.
Yn olaf, cafodd Tom Lewis ergyd a gafodd ei gwyro oddi ar amddiffynnwr am gic cornel.
Cafodd Cadoxton Barry eu cyfle cyntaf ar ôl 16 munud ond aeth ergyd y blaenwr heibio’r marc o 18 llath. Ond, aethant ar y blaen ar ôl 25 munud o’r smotyn ar ôl i Steve Cope droseddu yn y bocs.
Aethant ymhellach ar y blaen chwe munud wedyn pan ddaru cyd-chwarae da tu allan i’r bocs arwain i’r blaenwr ddod o hyd i le yn y bocs a gymerodd ei gyfle’n dda.
Aethant i mewn i’r toriad gyda mantais o dair gôl pan sgoriodd John Crocs trwy gôl ei hun ar ôl croesiad o’r dde.
Dechreuodd Cadoxton Barry yr ail hanner yn dda ac ymestynnwyd eu mantais ar ôl 55 munud pan ddaru pêl hir ar draws y cae ddal amddiffyn Cymric allan a sgoriodd asgellwr dde Cadoxton Barry yn dda wrth godi’r bêl dros James fel oedd yn dod allan i’w hatal.
Roedd Cymric yn wastraffus iawn pan gawsant y bêl ac o ganlyniad nid oeddent yn gallu cael gafael ar y gêm o gwbl.
Fe sgoriodd Cadoxton Barry ddwy gôl arall cyn ddiwedd y gêm, un gôl wych i’r gornel ucha’ tu allan i’r bocs, i sicrhau eu lle yn gyffyrddus yn rownd nesa cystadleuaeth Tlws Cymdeithas Pêl-droed Cymru.
Chwaraewr y Gêm – Caio Iwan
Cymric went into the first game of the new season with 10 squad players unavailable due to injury or other commitments. However, they started brightly and had three good chances to take the lead in the first 15 minutes.
Firstly Steve Cope had a shot deflected and it fell to Ryan David whose header went wide of the mark. Caio Iwan was then put through on goal and the keeper pulled off an excellent save to deny him. Tom Lewis then had a great effort deflected wide for a corner.
Cadoxton Barry had their first effort of note after 16 minutes but the forward shot wide from 18 yards. However, Cadoxton Barry took the lead on 25 minutes from the penalty spot after Steve Cope brought down an opponent in the box. They doubled their lead six minutes later when some great interplay outside the Cymric box led to the forward getting in on goal and he took his chance well.
They went into the break three goals to the good after a cross from the right was turned into his own net by John 'Crocs' Davies.
Cadoxton Barry started the second half well and went further ahead after 55 minutes when a long cross field ball caught out the Cymric defence and the right winger coolly lifted the ball over the advancing keeper.
Cymric couldn’t get a grip on the game at all and Cadoxton Barry scored two more late goals, one an excellent effort into the top corner from outside the box, to take them comfortably through to the next round of the FAW Trophy.
MOTM – Caio Iwan